On Friday we went and saw kung fu panda as a family! We all liked it the paper said it got 4's. Chris and Christy thought it was cute but Sydney said she didnt like it very much! but... the boys LOVED IT and it didnt keep Chloe's attention so... if you have time go see the movie its cute! Jack Black always makes movies funny!
Well I'm new to this blog thing, my computer savvy daughter put this together for us and I'm so glad she did. Today I went to Kyle's school to see his musical performance and as I was recording the cam corder turned off after the 2nd song as we had run out of memory!! So sad!!! Kyle did really well and is such a cute Kindergartner. I'm trying to figure out how to keep my kids happy and entertained this summer as school is out tomorrow. I was thinking lots of chores but that would defeat my purpose of making them happy. We actually are going to Utah the 3rd week in June to Visit Chris's family and go to Strawberry Days. We just came back a week ago from Mexico with Jessie and Glenn we had so much fun! We swam in the ocean, ate lots of great food, saw the ruins in Tulum, snorkeling in Cozumel and then rode scooters around the island it was so beautiful!! I love vacationing in Mexico especially when we have great company. We'll put Mexico pictures on soon.